@extends('layouts.master') @section('sidebar') @parent

This is appended to the master sidebar.

@stop @section('content')
Total Paris
Total Ticket
{{$nbr_ticket_gain}} / {{$total_ticket}}
Coût Total
{{number_format($coutTotal, 2)}} HTG
{{number_format($gain, 2)}} HTG
{{number_format($balancegenerale, 2)}} HTG
@endif @if($balancegenerale<=0)
{{number_format($balancegenerale, 1)}} HTG
@if($rapport_type == 0)

Rapport des Promotions

Promotion Quantite Paris Tickets Cout Total Pertes Balance
@endif @if($rapport_type == 3)

Rapport Promotionnel par Département

Départemet Quantite Paris Tickets Cout Total Pertes Balance
@endif @if($rapport_type == 2)

Rapport des Promotions

Zone Quantite Paris Tickets Cout Total Pertes Balance
@endif @if($rapport_type == 1)

Rapport des Promotions par Banque

Banques Quantite Paris Tickets Cout Total Pertes Balance
@endif @stop